Raffaele Sansone



Italian Milan Bar (2014)

Italian, English

Università Luigi Bocconi (2010)

Raffaele Sansone focuses on financial market law, collective asset management and banking, finance and insurance regulation.
Raffaele assists Italian and international regulated entities (including banks, AIFMs, investment companies, payment institutions and IMELs) and listed companies both in connection with extraordinary transactions and with regard to regulatory profiles and relations with the Supervisory Authority. He also has extensive experience in advising primary private equity, private debt and venture capital players.
Raffaele has been involved in the establishment of leading investment funds and vehicles (including alternative funds, SIS, funds of funds, master feeder and ELTIF structures dedicated to retail investors, funds listed on the MIV and ETFs, search funds and club deals) and in the implementation of complex investment structures both in Italy and in other European jurisdictions, with a particular focus on Luxembourg, where in 2017 he worked as a visiting lawyer at a primary law firm based in Luxembourg in the asset management and investment funds department.
He is also an expert in anti-money laundering and international terrorism financing legislation, payment services and fintech, consumer credit and insurance-based investment products.

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